I know that when we move, we will eventually find a new church and neighborhood that we will call home. We cannot replace our friends here, but we will find new friends. However, I cannot imagine another Vine. The Vine is unique. The love that the leaders of The Vine pour into the students is unmatched.
— Renee H. (mom of former students)
I love the Vine. What attracted me to it was the passion Maryann and Katie showed when they shared the vision...I bought in and joined the board but it wasn’t until I attended a bible study recently that I got a real revelation of what they were doing. These kids were so sincere. They asked questions that adults twice their age often don’t ask. There was such a degree of maturity and hunger to know God. It blew me away! The Vine is not so much a charity as it is a discipleship machine. It is helping to raise the next generation.
— Rudi M. (former board president)